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Build Upon2: project that puts national building renovation strategies into practice


There are no more doubts that our planet is in the state of climate emergency. With buildings being one of the biggest contributors to the climate change in Europe, it is our responsibility to come up with realizable ideas and to transfer them into functioning projects that will help meeting EU's energy efficiency targets and long-term goal under the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) to fully decarbonize it's buildings stock by 2050.

Renovation became crucial and its rate needs to increase to at least 2-3% of renovated building stock per year.

It is the European cities themselves who can significantly contribute to this renovation process. That is the main motivation for BUILD UPON2 project, funded by EU Horizon 2020 and led by World Green Building Council, to empower the cities across Europe to cooperate with national governments and industry to strengthen the overall local effectiveness and implementation of the national building renovation strategies required by the EPBD. To effectively accelerate the renovation process, the EU Member States are, apart from development of their renovation strategies, further required to set out specific roadmaps, including measurable progress indicators and milestones. BUILD UPON2 thus addresses one of the main barriers standing in the way of renovation process, being it the lack of an adequate, widely shared Impact Framework to track the renovation process and its implementation.

Multi-Level Renovation Impact Framework

This pilot framework includes a suite of milestones and measurable progress indicators for city renovation strategies. It will monitor indicators such as the emissions reductions, increased employment and improved health. During the project, these data are captured locally in the chosen cities. At a national level, the framework is supposed to link renovation to policy and decision making process, leading to greater investments in renovation. Developed methodology by the project also indicates:

Testing of the Framework will be realized in 8 pilot cities, each located in different European country:

GBC España is the main Coordinator of the project accompanied by a think tank Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and the municipal network Climate Alliance which leads the Covenant of Mayors Office-Europe. The consortium of eight national Green Building Councils consists of:

Future of the BUILD UPON2 Project Framework

Success of this project should serve as a motivation and a "know-how" for cities around Europe to transform their national renovation strategies into more local city strategies to achieve the goal of the EU to completely decarbonize its building stock by 2050. For now, the goal of BUILD UPON2 is to motivate and see at least 10 more cities committing to establish their own strategies by 2021. For future instances, the developed Framework should become a cornerstone of and an inspiration for any building renovation process not only within the area of the European Union.

Find more information about WGBC here.

Find more information about BUILD UPON2 project and its partners here.



Did you know that buildings contribute to climate change? They account for over a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. But that can change.

When buildings are net zero they use clean energy, are highly efficient and don’t waste energy - helping us to win the fight against climate change. That makes them heroes. Let’s make all buildings net zero by 2050.




World Green Building Week, 25 September to 1 October 2017, is an annual event that empowers the green building community to deliver green buildings for everyone, everywhere. Buildings can be heroes in the fight against climate change - and so can you.

Buildings are often seen as the villains when it comes to climate change, but they can actually be the heroes; heroes who like us, care about our future. They’re called net zero buildings, and every step we take to make our buildings get close to net zero is important.

This World Green Building Week WorldGBC is encouraging people everywhere to see the faces of the heroes in the buildings where they live and work and to join them in the mission to make all buildings net zero. In this fight, our hero is zero.


Join the movement - by downloading our resourcesadding your actions to our Hero Action Map, or by signing up to Thunderclap social media campaign at the World Green Building Council website.


World Green Building Week is the flagship event of the global green building movement organised by WorldGBC and led by its network of over 70 Green Building Councils and their 32,000 member companies.

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