This is a report on the energy poverty aspects of the REELIH project in Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and North Macedonia implemented by Habitat for Humanity International and USAID. The Metropolitan Research Institute and Buildings Performance Institute Europe evaluated the implementation of the REELIH projects in the three countries to find out how they were able to contribute to the fight against energy poverty by encouraging energy efficient renovation of multi-family residential buildings.
The report contextualizes the term of energy poverty and its measuring, and the definition is then interpreted into the environment of the REELIH implementing countries with an ambition to analyze whether the indicators sets already in use in these countries are elaborated. Finally policies for fighting against energy poverty by means of energy efficiency in different European cities are analyzed. Through the detailed analysis of useful policies, formulated are suggestions towards the REELIH partners and Habitat for Humanity International on how to lobby for policies that can be implemented under local conditions in order to put more emphasis on the support for energy poor in the renovation projects.